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First Responder and Victim Care: Sandy Hook School Shooting – What We Did Right, and What We Wish We Did

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Incidents of mass violence or domestic terrorism present immediate and ongoing challenges. This case study will detail how the CT State Police Peer Support Team cared for their own during and after the response to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. Discussions after the incident revealed that there were tasks undertaken by CT State Police officers that were more traditionally taken on by trained victim advocates but that the Troopers were unaware that advocates were available. The tasks created ongoing challenging issues for responders including ending the work and disengaging from the families. Effective planning that incorporates victim services into the overall plan allows for advocates to step in when needed and allows First Responders to remain focused on their operational tasks. Presenters will detail the 16 Best Practices in Planning for Mass Violence or Domestic Terrorism that underpin the work of the ICPTTA program and include information about accessing the program.

All viewers are encouraged to provide feedback on this training following the presentation.